
Tuesday May 05, 2020
EP 62: The Robot's Got Skills
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Thanks for tuning in. This week I chime in on Lil Wayne's latest seven minute skate/video 'Piano Trap & Not Me' and skateboard designer, Bear Walker. Email the show nomongopodcast@gmail.com
Intro/Outro music by Bobb Amidon
Lil Wayne 'Piano Trap & Not Me'
Suicidal Tendencies 'Possessed to Skate'
Be sure to watch Thrashin' during this lockdown/quarantine.
Additional Wayne audio courtesy of ESPN

Saturday May 02, 2020
Better Late Than Never: Almost 5 Incher
Saturday May 02, 2020
Saturday May 02, 2020
I am on a mission to get caught up on some of the videos I missed in 2012-2015. Better Late Than Never episodes will have me sharing my thoughts on these great videos and parts from the past. The first of these episodes is about Almost Skateboards' '5 Incher' which was 34 minutes of pure pleasure. Enjoy. nomongpodcast@gmail.com

Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
EP 61: Milton Down Under
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Only two topics for me this week. First one is all about Dakota Hunt's moves both on the dance floor and four wheels. His 3 minute 'Life Dance' video is just what the world needed. And the second you'll hear my thoughts on Milton's "Up in Smoookes!" tour. Spoiler alert. Milton straight up killed it.
Intro/Outro music by Bobb Amidon
Get 5% off your video transfer order with AV Gear Guy when you mention the No Mongo Podcast

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
EP 60: Hashtag Wes Kremer
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
This week I discuss Alex Sorgente's 'Raw AM's Rough Cut', the surge of quarantine backyard ramp erections, and #WesKremer's (SOTY 2014) 420 latest video drop from DC Shoes. Be sure to hit that subscribe button, tell a friend about the show, or go do the most illegal trick on your list. Most people don't read this far so I will just say that benihanas are not an illegal trick. Never have and never will. You can thank me later. You can email the show nomongopodcast@gmail.com
Intro/Outro music by Bobb Amidon

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
EP 59: Vans Just got the Birdman
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Thanks for stopping by. Hear my thoughts on Clive Dixon's very polarizing "creep" video, Anthony Pappalardo's 'How Covid Could Change Content' article, and Vans' latest member of their team. I'll give you a hint. His initials are T.H. Stay safe. Stay inside and be sure to work on that front foot impossible. Email the show nomongopodcast@gmail.com
Intro/Outro music by Bobb Amidon

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
EP 58: Remembering Grosso
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Last week the skateboarding community lost one of its most beloved and vocal OG's, Jeff Grosso. Hear my thoughts on that, Jenkem Mag's recent Candy Jacobs interview, and the latest from the #shuvitcancer movement. Be sure to tip your delivery drivers.
Intro/Outro music by Bobb 'DJ Miracle' Amidon

Monday Mar 30, 2020
EP 57: Jarne Can't be Stopped
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Hope you and yours are staying sane and safe. In this episode I discuss why I feel that Nyjah owes me a "Story by" credit, Jarne Verbruggen's absolute fire "Professional Life" video, and divulge the results of the first ever Virtual National Championships. Email the show nomongopodcast@gmail.com
Intro/Outro music by Bobb Amidon

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
EP 56: Keep Calm and Stay Home
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
This week I had to give a very large percentage of skateboarders some much needed tough love. Not all of you, but pretty darn close to it. Also, hear my thoughts on Primitive's "Rome" video and more details on the latest skateboarding games currently in development. Be safe out there. Email the show nomongopodcast@gmail.com
Intro/Outro music by Bobb Amidon
Shout out to Commonwealth Skateboarding in Portland www.cwskate.com

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
EP 55: Keep Calm and Push Wisely
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
If you are reading this odds are you are in lockdown at your home and attempting to keep your sanity. Just know you are not alone! This episode I talk about a thriving school/skate scene in India, Sabotage's "Milan" video, and the latest regarding the coronavirus and its impact on us all. @rickbata on Twitter and Instagram.
Intro/Outro music by Bobb Amidon

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
EP 54: Skateboarding's Olympic Debut Might be in Jeopardy
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tune in this week to hear my thoughts on the removal of a popular DIY park in Omaha, Nebraska, electronic skateboard maker, Boosted Skateboards, is in trouble, and what might happen if the 2020 Olympics gets canceled or postponed. Email the show nomongopodcast@gmail.com
Intro/Outro music by Bobb Amidon